The United States Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent to Livechat Software on the LiveChat “enabling sharing of graphic content in the chat window” functionality. It is already the fourth patent granted for the solutions used by LiveChat Software in the LiveChat product.
The patent “method and system for interactive usage of product or service cards implemented in a real-time communication system”is the fourth LiveChat Software project which has patent protection in the US.
The patented system and method allow the sharing of enriched content in the chat window, which is the so-called “product cards”. These are graphic content available to the end user directly in the chat window. Thanks to this, LiveChat clients can share visually appealing product recommendations with the clients directly in the chat window. Additionally, the patent extends to specific technical optimizations in the area of storing the data, ensuring the “product cards” work in the best possible way.
“The patent for product cards continues our strategy to seek patent protection for the crucial elements of our system. Consequent successes in the patent processes underline the innovation of our solutions,”said Katarzyna Rogowska, the head of the legal team at LiveChat Software. “The United States is one of the most important patent markets, and securing intellectual property rights within the core business activity of the company on the US market confirms the role of LiveChat as one of the technology leaders in the field of online communication.”
The technical author of the invention is Michał Sypko - a developer cooperating with the company.