We build text-based products


Adoption by the AGM of the decision on dividend (FY 2022/23)

The Management Board of LIVECHAT Software SA ( “Company”) announces that on August 18, 2023 the Annual General Meeting decided on the distribution of profit for the year ended 31 March 2023.

In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the separate net profit of the Company, which amounted to 171,724,361.09 PLN in the financial year 2022/2023will be allocated as follows:

  • PLN 18,511,861.09 to top up the reserve capital
  • PLN 153,212,500.00 for the payment of dividends to shareholders; which means that the value of the dividend per share will be PLN 5.95

taking into account advance payments for dividends for the financial year 2022/2023, i.e., advance payments in the amount of PLN 37.595.000,00, paid by the Company pursuant to the resolution of the Management Board of November 30, 2022, and advance payments in the amount of PLN 37.595.000,00, paid on August 4, 2023, based on the resolution of the Management Board of 3.07.2023, the outstanding dividend for the financial year 2022/2023 will be paid to shareholders in the total amount of PLN 78.022.500,00, i.e., PLN 3.03 per share.

The dividend will be distributed among 25,750,000 shares of the Company.

The Dividend Day was set for August 25, 2023 and the payment date for September 1, 2023.