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Adoption by the Annual General Meeting of the decision on dividend

The Management Board of LIVECHAT Software SA (the “Company”) announces that on August 18, 2020 the Annual General Meeting decided on the distribution of profit for the year ended 31 March 2020.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting the separate net profit of LIVECHAT Software SA, which amounted to PLN 75,828,897.97is divided in such a way that:

to allocate PLN 11 968 987.97 will be allocated to reserve capital

  • PLN 63 860 000,00 will be allocated for the payment of dividend to shareholders; which means that the value of the dividend per share will be PLN 2.48 (including the advance payment for the expected dividend paid in January 2020 and the second payment for the dividend - the value of the first advance payment was PLN 0.60 per share, and the value the second advance is PLN 0.60 per one share).

The dividend will be distributed among 25,750,000 shares of the Company.

The dividend day was set for August 25, 2020 and the payment date on September 1, 2020.