The Management Board of LiveChat Software S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) hereby publishes the correction of forecast of consolidated financial results for the operating year 2014/15, which was included in the Prospectus approved by the Financial Supervision Authority as of 18 March 2014, resulting from the today’s information about exceeding the forecast financial results of the Issuer, as well as the estimated consolidated financial results of the Capital Group of the Company for the operating year ended on 31 March 2015.
Exceeding the forecast is mainly due to the faster pace of customer acquisition, which translated favourably onto the recorded results.
The USD/PLN exchange rate has a positive effect as well – the preliminary prognosis assumed the USD/PLN exchange rate at 3.08, the exchange rates of other currencies do not significantly affect the results of the Issuer.
The Management Board estimates that in the operating year 2014/15 (ended on 31 March 2015), the Capital Group of the Company will reach the sales income of PLN 33.044 million, the EBITDA result (EBIT before depreciation and amortization) of PLN 24.038 million and the net profit of PLN 18.509.
The table below presents the original financial forecast in comparison to the estimated financial results of the Capital Group of the Company achieved in the operating year ended on 31 March 2015, as well as comparative historical data.
Estimated consolidated financial results of the Capital Group of the Company for the operating year 2014/15 (data in thousand PLN).
- Revenue from sales: 33,044
- EBITDA: 24,038
- Net profit: 18,509
Original financial forecast published in the Prospectus (all data in thousand PLN)
- Revenue from sales: 25,317
- EBITDA: 18,948
- Net profit: 14,904
Consolidated financial result of the Capital Group of the Company achieved in the operating year 2013/14 (data in thousand PLN).
- Revenue from sales: 18,941
- EBITDA: 12,613
- Net profit: 9,700
The presented estimated financial results of the Capital Group of the Company have not been audited. The final financial results of the Capital Group of the Company shall be published via the consolidated financial statements of the Capital Group of the Compnay for 2014/2015. In the course of preparing the interim report, the Management Board will monitor whether the estimated results of the Capital Group of the Issuer will materialize.
When in the course of the process, the Management Board becomes aware that the final financial result of the Capital Group of the Company will be different from the values herein by over 10%, the Issuer shall publish an appropriate correction.