We build text-based products


Key performance indicators for Q1 2024/25 FY

The Management of Text S.A. ("Company") hereby discloses to the public the key operational indicators recorded by the Text Capital Group ("Group") in the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year (April - June 2024).

The estimated value of Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) from all products of the Group, as of the end of June 2024, amounted to 7.07 million USD. This represents an increase of 9.3% compared to the previous year and 6.2% compared to the state as of March 31, 2024.

In the first quarter of the fiscal year, the value of payments received amounted to USD 22.62 million, which means an increase of 12.2% annually and 4.0%, respectively, compared to the previous three months.

As of June 2024, the ARPU (average monthly revenue per user) for the LiveChat product was 170.7 USD, compared to 160.1 USD at the end of March 2024 and 158.2 USD a year ago.

The ChatBot ARPU was 146.2 USD, compared to 134.5 USD at the end of March 2024 and 122.5 USD a year ago.

The HelpDesk ARPU was 172.0 USD, compared to 153.4 USD at the end of March 2024 and 126.0 USD a year ago. In June, the Company introduced a new subscription plan, “Business,” to price this product.

The optimization actions initiated at the end of the 2023 calendar year, aimed at improving the pricing structure of the offering and customer utilization of the LiveChat product, resulted in, among other things, an improvement in revenue churn (net MRR churn), an increase in ARPU of the LiveChat product, and simultaneously raising the customer churn rate.

In June, the “One AI+” functionality package was introduced to the LiveChat product offering, which is available for new customers at an additional cost.

At the end of the first quarter, the number of LiveChat paying customers was 37.523 clients. 

During the quarter, the Company internally changed its definition of a customer. This adjustment resulted in a one-time reduction of the reported number of customers by approximately 200. Previously, a customer was defined as a company or institution that paid for access to the product. In addition to this criterion, a customer must also have active access to the application. This excludes, for example, companies that discontinued the product before the expiration of the annual subscription period.

At the end of June, the number of ChatBot clients was 2.956, though this number does not include ca. 70 non-profit organizations using the product free of charge in the program “Care to Chat”. They were incorrectly included in the reported number of clients in the previous periods. 

The number of HelpDesk clients at the end of the quarter was 1.195.

During the first quarter of the financial year, the Company started commercializing the Text Platform API (API as a Service) and recorded its first revenues.  

The Company emphasizes that its offering targets business customers through online services, including livechat.com, chatbot.com, helpdesk.com, knowledgebase.com, and openwidget.com. The Company's Management Board highlights that the presented data is estimated and preliminary and may ultimately differ from those presented in the periodic report.

Due to the fact that the Group generates a significant majority of its revenue in US dollars (USD), the USD/PLN exchange rate has a significant impact on the final results presented in the periodic reports.