We build text-based products


Key performance indicators for Q2 2023/24 FY

The Management Board of Text S.A. ("Company”) publishes the key performance indicators ("KPIs") of the Text Capital Group ("Group") for the second quarter of the 2023/24 financial year (July - September 2023).

The estimated Group's Monthly Recurring Revenue ("MRR") value across all products at the end of September 2023 was USD 6.47 million, an increase of 31.8% year on year and no change as compared to 30 June 2023.

In the view of the Management Board - MRR is the key performance indicator to access the actual development of the Company's business. Historically, the Company recognized the revenues when the payments were received (also in case of the payments for periods longer than a month). In contrast, MRR takes into account the value of the individual licenses spread evenly over the time the service is provided.

Considering the auditor's comments on the annual report, the Company is currently working on revising its revenue recognition policy. It is therefore waiving the publication of preliminary revenue estimates. Simultaneously, the Company estimates, according to the previously used methodology, that in Q2 2023/24, the Group's estimated revenues would amount to 19.88m USD compared to 15.47m USD a year ago and 20.16m USD in the previous quarter.

The year-on-year increase results from both the rise in the number of clients of all Groups’ solutions and the higher ARPU (average revenue per client).

The most important trends that influenced the achieved result are:

  • Change of ARPU (average monthly revenue per subscriber) of the main Groups' products. At the end of September 2023, LiveChat ARPU was USD 156.7 compared to USD 158.2 at the end of June 2023 and USD 120.7 a year ago.
  • ChatBot ARPU amounted to USD 126.6 at the end of September 2023, compared with USD 122.5 at the end of the last quarter and USD 110.2 a year ago.
  • HelpDesk ARPU amounted to USD 137.7 at the end of September 2023, compared with USD 126.0 at the end of the last quarter and USD 108.3 a year ago
  • Increase in the number of Group's customers year-on-year. At the end of Q2 2023/24, there were 37.838 LiveChat paying clients, 2.940 ChatBot paying clients, and 1.061 HelpDesk paying clients.

The Company indicates that its offer is addressed to business clients via websites, including www.livechat.com, www.chatbot.com, www.helpdesk.com, www.knowledgebase.com, and www.openwidget.com

The Management Board emphasizes that the presented data are estimates and preliminary. Therefore, they may ultimately differ from those shown in the periodic report.

Because the Company generates the vast majority of revenues in the US dollar (USD), the USD / PLN exchange rate significantly impacts the results presented in the periodic reports.