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Significant Shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting on October 16, 2018 – correction

Publication on: 2018-10-18 14:26

The Managing Board of LIVECHAT Software S.A. (the “Company”) hereby informs that there was a typographical error in its current report no. 34/2018 dated October 16, 2018 concerning the two-time listing of the shareholder Maciej Jarzębowski and providing the shares of individual shareholders in the total number of votes and votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on October 16, 2018 in Wroclaw (“EGM”).

Below is the correct information regarding shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the EGM on October 16, 2018:

„1. Mariusz Ciepły - 4 010 000 votes/shares; 15.57% in the total number of votes; 26.63% in the votes at the EGM
2. Maciej Jarzębowski – 3 010 030 votes/shares; 11.69% in the total number of votes; 19.99% in the votes at the EGM
3. Jakub Sitarz – 3 010 000 votes/shares; 11.69% in the total number of votes; 19.99% in the votes at the EGM
4. Nationale-Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny – 1 590 680 votes/shares; 6.18% in the total number of votes; 10.57% in the votes at the EGM
5. Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Avila BZ WBK – 1 400 000 votes/shares; 5.44% votes/shares; 9.30% in the votes at the EGM
6. Urszula Jarzębowska – 1 210 250 votes/shares; 4.70% votes/shares; 8.04% in the votes at the EGM.
At the Extraordinary General Meeting were represented 15 055 666 votes/shares; 58.47% of the total number of shares and votes.”